Who we are

We’re a collective of victims and allies, volunteering our time to ensure the UK justice system can be truly open to everyone.

Here’s why:

  • "The perpetrator was present for the entire trial and heard everything that was said. Meanwhile, I'm still left in the dark because I can't afford the expensive transcript fees. It's left me stuck. I want to help prevent more victims from feeling stuck too."

    Charlotte, Victim.

  • "For five weeks, they discussed MY body, MY words and MY experience. Yet I have no right to access this Information about ME. Because I can't afford to buy it. Open Justice should not be a luxury item."

    Violet, Victim.

  • "We were looking forward to this all being over so my daughter could heal. But the current system won't allow that. She remains traumatised. As her Mum, it's heartbreaking to watch her continue to suffer. I'm campaigning for open justice for all to help more people like my daughter live the life they deserve."

    Rowan, Victim’s Mother.

  • Until you're a victim yourself, you don't realise that the date of reporting is just the beginning of a long, often anxiety-inducing, invalidating process. As the daughter of a rape survivor, seeing my Mum go through this herself, made it glaringly obvious that the system is in desperate need of reform. I'm supporting this campaign for her.

    Anonymous, Daughter of Victim.

  • "It's been nearly 2 years since my perpetrator was found not guilty. The trial is constantly on my my mind, I have so many unanswered questions, not knowing what was said in court and how the case was summed up is hard to deal with. We should not have to pay £1000's to be informed, court transcripts should be free. "

    Sinead, Victim


Aside from some small donations and favours from family, friends and colleagues, our campaign is entirely self-funded. If you are able to help us further with PR, media, advertising space or speaking opportunities please get in touch with us by emailing hello@openjusticeforall.com.

You can also support us via our Go Fund Me.


Visit our show your support page to find out about other ways you can show your support.


Thank you to the following people and organisations for supporting our campaign. And a special thank you to Claire Waxman, London’s Victims Commissioner, who has supported us to advocate for better policy, legislation and practice. Helping to reform our criminal justice system to better serve all victims.